Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

International Business Plan Competition Winners

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

IPmetrics congratulates the winners of the LES Foundation 2014 International Graduate Student Business Plan Competition.

IPmetrics is a proud sponsor of this international competition aimed at promoting innovative business start-ups.  The finalists were introduced to the attendees of the Licensing Executives Society (USA & Canada) 2014 Annual Meeting in San Francisco earlier this week.  The grand prize was awarded to Disease Diagnostic Group, a pre-commercial medical device company envisioned by students at Case Western University.  Their winning proposal featured the development of low-cost diagnostic tools that are easy to use, accurate and provide results quickly.

The International Graduate Student Business Plan Competition is in its eleventh year.  The event serves to highlight business plans that emphasize ground-breaking technologies and services that are highly dependent upon intellectual property.  The LES Foundation received 74 business plan submissions from throughout the United States and Canada, as well as from Australia, Belgium, France, Great Britain, India, Kenya and Sweden. Six finalist teams received cash and in-kind prizes worth over $170,000, including expense-paid trips to attend the LES (USA & Canada) Mid-Year Meeting in New York.


LES USA & Canada

Read the LES (USA&CANADA) Press Release.

How to Determine Brand Value Seminar

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014

Today, IPmetrics’ President David Drews CLP is presenting on the topic “How to Determine Brand Value: A Rational Basis for Showing what a Brand Name is Worth for Licensing and Litigation” for the Trademark Counsel Luncheon Club at the Basking Ridge Country CLub (NJ).


Mr. Drews is presenting a review of specific considerations and methodologies utilized when valuing intellectual property in the context of financial analysis, transaction due diligence, or corporate restructuring.  The topics covered include the Valuation Process, Valuation Techniques, and Practical Applications.


If your organization would like to host a similar presentation on an IP topic, including approved CLE credit presentations, please contact us at